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東京音楽大学付属音楽教室、同付属高等学校を経て、東京音楽大学ピアノ演奏家コース卒業。在学中、特待生奨学金や短期留学奨学金などを授与される。大学卒業後、奨学金を得て英国王立音楽院へ留学しPG Diplomaコース修了。これまでピアノを鷲見加寿子、東誠三、Clifford Benson、室内楽をClifford Benson、Michael Dussek の各師に師事。

第45回全日本学生音楽コンクール小学生の部全国第1位。留学中は学内にてPiano Recital Prize優勝の他、RAM Club Prize入選、Else Cross (Brahms) Prize第2位。

2006年に帰国後、オーディションに合格し2008年東京文化会館小ホール(日本演奏連盟主催 演連コンサー197)にてソロリサイタルデビュー。


アンサンブルの分野では William Bennett、Trevor Wye、Lorna McGhee、Denis Bouriakov の各氏などと共演。

2012年よりムジカポルト室内合奏団(Fl. Cl. Tp. Tb. Cb. Perc. Pf.)に参加し、毎年オーケストラ作品や吹奏楽、合唱曲に歌謡曲やポップスなど幅広いジャンルの作品を自分たちで編曲し演奏している。また、英国の音楽集団 “Shonorities” の一員として現代音楽の演奏・録音活動も続けており、創始者であるB. Athanasiadis氏の作品集の録音にも参加。Sargassoより2014年と2015年にCDリリースされた。



JCCA(日本コアコンディショニング協会)認定 ベーシックインストラクター、コアキッズ体操普及員、いろは体操普及員。

​中村純子 プロフィール

Born in Tokyo, Junko started to take piano lessons at the age of 4. She was 12 when she won the 1st prize at the All Japan Student Music Concours and that brought her a concerto debut with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra and a performance opportunity at the Philharmony in Frankfurt. Junko continued her study at Tokyo College of Music (BMus) where she received many scholarships and in London afterwards at Royal Academy of Music. At RAM she was awarded several scholarships, won the Christian Carpenter Prize at Recital Prize and also she was the runner-up at Else Cross (Brahms) Prize and RAM Club Prize. In 2003, the Tunnel Trust invited her to the Chamber Music Course for Young Musicians at Strathgarry, Scotland. With her study with Clifford Benson at RAM she found a great passion for chamber music as well and had opportunities performing with distinguished flutists such as William Bennett (OBE), Trevor Wye, Lorna McGhee and Denis Bouriakov. After returning to Tokyo in 2006, Junko made her solo recital debut at the Tokyo Metropolitan Festival Hall.


She loves contemporary music as well as classical music. She participated in some projects of the "Shonorities" (founder Basil Athanasiadis) to perform and record contemporary music. The CDs are available from Sargasso.


Now Junko enjoys her career as an ensemble pianist and a piano teacher. She is also a member of Musica Porto Chamber Ensemble since 2012 in which she performs with Fl, Cl, Tp, Tb, Double bass and Percussions.

Recently Junko’s started learning Body-Mapping and Core-Conditioning with Kayano Nagai not only for herself but also for her pupils.

Apart from performing and teaching, she appeared in a semi-documentary movie "Roman-sha tachi" as herself directed by Chiseko Tanaka.

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